THE ROAD as a Ritual
In the 7th edition of The Old School Art Residency artists were challenged to reveal their views of the Road in all its literal and metaphorical dimensions. Physically, philosophically, psychologically and spiritually, the road is a concept describing our potential to modify the present according to our personal attitudes, desires and aspirations.
The seeming triviality of the physical movement preserves all the fundamental laws that exist in the broader concepts of our movement in life or the course of nature. To follow a certain path we need to have will, direction, energy and persistence. These components are rooted in the whole range of possible states – from purposefulness, faith, and unambiguous understanding of the ultimate goal to impassiveness, wandering, regress.
Turning the Road into a ritual means thinking about out movement in time and space – both physically and mentally – as a type of sacred action. An act where all our intentions and actions are an organic part of something bigger and more significant.
Many of the works this year are directly inspired by the life in Gorna Lipnitsa. Among the simple reality of the village, the artists saw a wealth of themes that lay somewhat under the surface. Once you’ve opened up, however, this hidden reality can give you ideas and insights, whose echoes are not simply reflected by the geography of the area – their nature is universal.
Teodora Konstantinova § Radoslav Mehandziiski