Edition 2018

Presentation of the Ritual rEvolution Exhibition in the city of Sofia and the town of Pavlikeni – September/October 2018

~ … Creative attitude towards the world means solving the problems around us creatively, well intentionally and effectively. It does not matter whether these issues are social, political or economic – if we approach them with creative thought and pure intentions, the final resolution is certain. Is it possible that modern art provokes such a process? … ~

The answer to this question will be given by artists from the UK, France, the Netherlands and Bulgaria, who will present their conceptual works on “Ritual rEvolution”. The artists visualize their ideas of the revolution as an artistic mechanism through which a radical change of the existing models of government can be achieved.

Arturo Desimone, Freddie Darke, Payel Sutradhar, Chloe Sassi, Paula Belli are creating paintings, visual arts, photography and performance. Their original artistic events include social and political themes. The Bulgarian presence in the exhibition is this of the sculptor Ivan Ushev and Vaiana Tasheva – musician. The exhibition also includes ritual artists Plamen Petrov and L.Y.R.A.

Curators of The Old School art residency are Radoslav Mehandzhiyski and Teodora Konstantinova.

Within the framework of the exhibition, creativity is conceived as a mental and social process of human activity, creating completely new, original material and spiritual values. The Creative Revolution embodies the quest for these values to be gradually embodied in real life. Through various means of expression – painting, installation, painting, kinetic sculpture, video art, dance and performance – artists explore social and purely human needs, which have the potential to unleash more general transformations into the thought and behavioral habits of society and of the individual. Whether it is interpreted to be an expression of our inner world, or as a social phenomenon thirsty to turn the course of history and to radically change the pattern of governance, the revolution is a space of an ardent creative power – both powerful, yet fragile, expansive and vulnerable. It can be devastating, melted into chaos and hysteria, but also well-meaning and healthy for the whole of society. The creative study of her nature hides blessed truths, and anyone who wishes to walk through her interior can do so precisely through the works presented in the exhibition.

The exhibition of The Old School residency can be seen in the “Bratstvo – 1884” community center in the town of Pavlikeni in the period 27.09. – 04.10.2018 and in The Laboratory Sofia – city of Sofia between 05.10. – 15.10.2018 The exhibition is accompanied by a seminar/public lecture on “Modern Art as a Form of Dialogue and Building Europe” and a curator tour presenting the concept of the exhibition, namely: the creativity and the active social position of the artists as a way of building of modern Europe.

The project “Organization and holding of exhibition “Ritual rEvolution” in the city of Sofia and the town of Pavlikeni” was realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture within the framework of the Communication Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the European Union.


Schedule of events:

27.09.2018 /Thursday/ – Opening of the exhibition in the town of Pavlikeni at 18.30 hrs

28.09.2018 /Friday/ – Public lecture and curator tour at 17.30 hrs

05.10.2018 /Friday/ – Opening of the exhibition in the city of Sofia at 19 hrs

09.10.2018 /Tuesday/ – Public lecture and curator tour at 19 hrs

13.10.2018 /Saturday/ – Concert of Vayana Tasheva at 22 hrs

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