Edition 2017Uncategorized

We would like to thank all the artists for the interest in the “THE ROAD as a ritual”, 2017

For the seventh edition of the residency “THE ROAD as a Ritual” applied 71 artists from over 20 countries. The applications were reviewed by the team of the The Old School residency. When ranking and choosing the participants we were led by several main criteria.

Most importantly we searched for artists with a clear idea and project about their artwork in the residency. It was important for the project to be connected with the theme and to include in some way the local community, as well as to explore the village and the region. We also searched for artists with a unique and memorable manner of work which combines elements of preparation and study for the creation of the art piece. As the residency deals with the concept of ritual art we also have searched for art projects connected with the rituals and their impact on reality. In this regard we have selected artists, who in their works ask questions, provoke the viewer to think, search and give answers.

In making the final decision we were also led by the desire, strong will for creating art and artistic endurance of the applicants. We think that those qualities are needed for the artists to participate successfully in “THE ROAD as a Ritual”.

Thank you all for applying and good luck!

The results from the selection can be seen here.

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