Edition 2013

Ritual art as a style of creation

Ritual art, as a style of creation, has as its basis the following ideas:

An artist uses the methods of ritual in creation of the work, its exhibiting /presentation to the audience/ and its future movement in time and space.

The particular work is only the outer expression of a concept, and the ritual of its creation, presentation and future movement in time and space is its actual substance. But everything in this process is connected and one part of the whole cannot exist without the other.

Therefore – art and a piece of art must be not only the particular work, but also the process of its creation, presentation and future movement in time and space.

The actions of the artist – during the descripted process – should have symbolic meaning.

For its part, piece of art, seen as described above combination, should be directed at certain socially significant and clear purpose.

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Program of The Old School Residency – RITUAL ART, Gorna Lipnitsa village 16 – 25 August 2013


Invitation “Nestinars in Gorna Lipnitsa”


We would like to express our gratitude to all donors of The Old School residency in 2013


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