Издание 2019


‘The Wheel of Ritual’ residency at Gornia Lipnitsa, Bulgaria, July 7 to 24, 2019. ‘Stick’ was in development throughout the residency, culminating in a performance, ‘Stick’, in the Pavilion of the School, against a backdrop constructed using local fruits and vegetables, followed by the showing of a film, ‘Stick’, in the Old Schoolhouse. Thanks to fellow resident Yuan Lin, for her singing during the performance, and to host Darina Palova and her family for their generous hospitality.

STICK - performance
stick - short film

Kate Clayton is a performance artist based in Glasgow. Within her practice she works collaboratively, collectively and individually. Her interests and themes focus on visibility of older women, ageing, friendship and feminism and the collaborative process. Her work often involves artistic personas performed in different contexts and environments: public spaces, galleries, domestically, in cabaret and within the landscape.

Подобни публикации

“СПОМЕН ЗА ЕДНА НЕОСЪЩЕСТВЕНА РОДИНА” – откриване на изложбата на израелския художник Лиав Габай на 30 август, петък от 18.30


ЧЕРВЕНАТА СПЯЩА КРАСАВИЦА – откриване на инсталацията на гръцкия артист Крис Ботцис на 30.08.2019 /петък/ от 18.30 ч.


I want to live in Bulgaria/Breath/Wind


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