
„Perfection IS NOT an accident“ – Tarot ritual /video/, 2018 by L.Y.R.A. – Bulgaria



Perfection IS NOT an accident,  part II – statement

An artistic act of creating the artist of the future

So far, creativity has often been born out of imperfection and flaw, the rebellion in the status quo was tolerated, which, /sadly/, is a sales approach. All achievements of art and culture were symbolic – they weren’t realistic. So far all the art works have been only a sign and preparation for the true creation of another, new world – a world of creativity. Today’s artist can no longer classically, i.e. according to the norms, create art, culture, science, economics or politics. Everywhere he/she have to reach the limit, to cross beyond the borders, to create a new being – to elevate the failed mysticism of creativity.

The creative revolution is basically a revolution of the spirit that leads to a political, social, economic and cultural revolution. People of the creative spirit are not revolutionaries in the socio-mechanical sense of the word. Their creative revolution is incomprehensibly more radical, indigenous and organic.

Perfection IS NOT an accident is an art installation which is used as a tool for creating the artist of the future. It is based on the principles of a magical installation but the symbols typical for such installation are instead swapped for paintings and prints symbolizing the 5 main characteristics which, we believe, an artist should possess.


Love       Knowledge       Bravery        Revolutionary spirit     Ability to establish connections

We desire not the symbols of love, but love itself. Not the symbols of knowledge, but knowledge. Not the symbols of strength, but strength. Not the symbols of revolution, but revolution. Not the symbols of unity, but unity.


Подобни публикации

Арт Резиденция “Старото училище” представя ALEJANDRO ZERTUCHE – пърформанс артист от Мексико – тази събота, 23 октомври от 17 ч.




„Математика и мистицизъм“, 2014 – Пърформанс /17:22/, Robert Foster – Великобритания


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